Laakdal Invests in Local Greenery
From Food Forests to Standard Orchards
"Collaborating with experts like Plantsoon and Regional Landscapes is crucial. They provide essential guidance not just about trees, but also about raising awareness."
Transforming Football Fields into Green Oases
Laakdal, a municipality located in the Belgian province of Antwerp with a population of over 16,000 people, is taking bold steps towards its climate goals by creating more natural spaces in the area. Two former football fields have been reimagined as green havens: edible greenery at WZC Vogelzang, and a food forest on Heikantstraat. The food forest, situated along the highway, offers sustenance for both humans and wildlife, including birds and critters. In a heartening development, a pair of storks recently chose an ecologically felled tree as their nesting site.

Smart Plant Tags for Sensitization and Inspiration
In partnership with Regional Landscapes and the municipality of Laakdal, a standard orchard has been established at Vogelzang. This orchard boasts 100 standard trees of various fruit species, each digitally recorded via Plantsoon. Visitors can access information about each species and the purpose of the plantings through smart plant signs on the trees. This innovative approach emphasizes the importance of awareness and education, aiming to inspire residents to plant trees on their own properties.